I will record my debut CD next october! I will play together with the magnificent pianist Tuomas Turriago. Recording will be produced by Samu Metsänen and Raine Kasper is the sound engineer. Alba-records will publish the CD in 2025. Recording was made possible by the fund of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland and the program will include the great sonatas by Cesar Franck and William Albright.
Pirkanmaa Saxophone Festival takes place in Tampere 23.-28.4. Festival includes lectures, concerts and orchestra period. Find the full program here:
I will be off duty for a one year from Tampere conservatoire starting january 2024. I will be a 50% substitute of saxophone lecturer in Sibelius-Academy and I will focus more on my artistic career. I am eagerly looking forward to new challenges ahead and planning some great projects already!
Piilo is a unique collection of contemporary pieces and improvisation exercises for the saxophone for pupils, professionals and anyone in between, commissioned and curated by myself. Foreword and instructions in English are included. The collection consists of works both for solo alto saxophone and alto saxophone & piano, as well as a set of "hide cards" for improvisation and composing exercises. The cards can be used with any instruments. All pieces are recorded and you can find them from my YouTube channel ( Buy Piilo:
Saxophone piece Piilo was heard twice in the concert. Kalle Oittinen played the technically more demanding version skillfully. Young Johannes Sorsamo made a brisky performance of the junior version. Full review (In Finnish for Aamulehti readers):
New videos on YouTube! New pieces by Minna Leinonen, Paavo Korpijaakko, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago can be found on my YouTube channel. Straight link to the playlist:
Applications are open to study music and saxophone in Tampere in Tampere Conservatoire and TAMK Music
...And how wonderfully did Kalle Oittinen blow his alto saxophone in the ageless songs of the troubadur in The Old Castle movement... Harri Hautala / Aamulehti 10.9.2022 Thank you Harri Hautala and Aamulehti for the kind words in the review of Tampere Philharmonys' concert. Whole review (in Finnish and only for subscribers):
Pirkanmaa Saxophone Festival will be organized 27.3-3.4. On weekend 1.-3.4. three saxophone orchestras will gather to practice together and the Grande Finale of the festival is in Tampereen tuomiokirkko on 3.4. at 18.00 when these orchestras give a concert. Other concerts: Pictures at an exhibiton (Ligeti – Debussy – Mussorgsky) Su 27.3. klo 16 Kangasala-talo Saksofonikvartetti AAVA On new paths Ti 29.3. klo 18 Metso-kirjasto VINO-saxophone quartet plays jazz and own compositions Works by saxophonists Ke 30.3. klo 19 Pyynikinlinna Jazzmuseum-band Night of surprises To 31.3. klo 20 Telakka PSF-club Jazz, contemporary, free, classical. Grande Finale Su 3.4. klo 18 Tampereen Tuomiokirkko Three saxophone orchestras conducted by Anna-Leena Lumme and Kalle Oittinen.
Thank you Jenni and Antti Wihuri Foundation for the 5000€ grant to buy new soprano saxophone! I'm already planning new concerts and projects where I can use the new instrument. :)
We have decided to postpone the orchestra period of Pirkanmaa Saxophone Festival to spring 2022 and Joonatan Rautiolas masterclass to autumn 2021 due to coronavirus situation. Stay healthy and keep those horns warm for next autumn and spring!
Thank you Pirkanmaa Regional Fund of The Finnish Cultural Foundation for the grant! New saxophone music (from composers Paavo Korpijaakko, Minna Leinonen, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago) for pedagogical and artistic purposes and other cool stuff coming up on spring 2021.
My TAMK music student Sanni Jyllilä and Sibelius-Academy student Ilta Attila have been chosen to perform in young soloists concerts! Ilta will play Glazunov Saxophone concerto with Sinfonia Lahti in Sibelius-hall on Friday 24th of April. Sanni will play Divertimento by Roger Boutry first with The Navy Band, Turku in Sigyn-hall on Thursday 7th of May and with Tampere Philharmony in Tampere-hall on 8th of May. Very proud of both of them! A great opportunity for them to play in big halls with big orchestras. :) CONCERTS CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS Sinfonia Lahti concert was eventually recorded and it aired on Yle Radio 1
Pirkanmaa Saxophone Festival (PSF) 13th - 15th of march 2020 in Tampere A new saxophone event is emerging to Pirkanmaa. Festival includes concerts, masterclasses and playing in three saxophone orchestras. Masterclasses are held by the top-teachers from Sibelius-Academy: Joonatan Rautiola (classical) and Jussi Kannaste (jazz). Event is organized by a group of local saxophone teachers (Petri Nieminen, Masa Orpana, Kalle Oittinen), Pirkanmaa music institution (PMO) and Tampere conservatoire together with Tampere congregations. Orchestras are lead by conductor Anna-Leena Lumme together with Kalle Oittinen. The saxophone section of The Guards Band Helsinki (Samu Metsänen, Perttu Pannula, Arto Lehtola and Eero Saunamäki) will work as a section leaders and educators in the orchestras. The concerts: Friday 13th of March at 19.00 in Alexander church: Esa Pietilä, saxophone and Petur Sakari, organ. Saturday 14th of March at 19.00 in Pyynikki Hall, Tampere conservatoire: Aava Saxophone Quartet Sunday 15th of March at 18.00 in The big church (Tuomiokirkko): Final concert of the saxophone orchestras. More info: Kalle Oittinen,, +358407621271 FESTIVAL CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS
Austrian top-saxophonist Michael Krenn and pianist Eugenia Radoslava will give a recital on Tuesday 25.9. at 19 o'clock in the Pyynikki Hall of the Tampere Conservatory. During their visit Michael will also give a masterclass to the students of the Tampere Music Academy 24.-25.9.
I was chosen as the lecturer of saxophone in Tampere Conservatory! Job includes teaching in the music institute, secondary level and also in Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK). I'm eagerly waiting to start working with the students and colleagues on a long-term basis.
The Finnish saxophone association has awarded me the Josef Kaartinen -prize and stipend as a credit of the work done for the benefit of saxophone playing. The prize was awarded on 6th of May 2018 in the spring concert of the Finnish saxophone association in Malmitalo, Helsinki. I would like to thank the association, this acknowledgement will give me even more motivation to work in the future.
My concert was selected as a part of the Young artists of the summer 2018 concert series! Series will be held next june and august in Helsinki Music Center. Applications were open for all recently graduated Masters of Music from Sibelius-Academy who had done the final exam with the highest grades. More precise schedule and program (which I am very exited about!) will be found later in the calendar section of my website. More info about this and the other concerts of the series will be found later in Helsinki Music Center's website and 'Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemian tapahtumat' (events of Sibelius-Academy) facebook page.
I will teach in Kälviä Music Camp next summer 8.-17. of June. Great to be a part of the camp with such a great reputation and wonderful colleagues! During the 11 days you'll get valuable experiences and tools for practicing. The camp is suitable both for those who play as a hobby and those who aim to a profession. Enrollment begins on 1st of February and ends on 12th of April. More info at
Welcome to my new website! Here you can find information about me and my upcoming concerts and other events. You can hear my playing straight away from the videos you can find in the Multimedia-section. Looking forward to see you also in concerts! =)
Download CV (.pdf) here!
Kalle Oittinen (b.1988) is a front row Finnish classical saxophonist and saxophone teacher who gets motivation to his work as an artist and teacher from the ongoing process of learning and from sharing the feelings and emotions of musical experiences with other musicians, students and audience.
Oittinen, who was born in Savo, grew up in Helsinki and is currently living in Tampere, has graduated as a Master of Music from Sibelius-Academy where he was teached by Pekka Savijoki and Joonatan Rautiola. He has also attended many masterclasses in Finland and abroad with the top saxophonists of the world such as Claude Delangle, Vincent David and Arno Bornkamp.
Despite the young age, Oittinen is already an experienced pedagogue and works currently as a lecturer of saxophone in Tampere Conservatoire and teaches saxophone and saxophone pedagogy in Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Sibelius-Academy. He is frequently invited as a visiting teacher and educator in Finland and abroad. Since 2018 he also been teaching in Kälviä Music Course.
Oittinen is a versatile and open-minded musician whose projects vary from traditional classical saxophone groups all the way to funk-band and music theatre. He has been a saxophone player in The Guards Band and is regularly working with finnish symphony orchestras and military bands. As a chamber musician Oittinen is a member of the Aava Saxophone Quartet among other groups and projects. Oittinen has performed in the Young artists of the summer -series, Soiva-Akatemia -series, Sibafest, Turku Music Festival, Musica Nova and Flow-festival among other events. Lately he has also been comissioned to do arrangements for different kinds of saxophone ensembles.
As a soloist Oittinen has performed with the Sibelius-Academy Symphony Orchestra and Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra and as an Aava Saxophone Quartet member with The Guards Band. He also won the 2nd prize in the 8th International Saxophone Competition in Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
Oittinen has received grants supporting his artistic career by The Finnish Cultural Foundation and in 2018 Oittinen was awarded the Josef Kaartinen -prize and a stipend by the Finnish saxophone association as an credit of the work done for the benefit of saxophone playing.
TampereRaw performs in Musica Nova -festival in The Finnish House Of Nobility, Helsinki. Programme includes the premiere of the new quintet by Roope Mäenpää.
I will attend the Nordic Saxophone Festival as an artist and instructor. Read more from the link below.
Concert by Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Music Centre Concert Hall at 19.00. Program includes Bolero by Maurice Ravel.
Concert by Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Music Centre Concert Hall at 19.00. Program includes Bolero by Maurice Ravel. Concert is broadcasted by YLE.
Tampere Philharmony concert in Tampere hall at 19.00. Program includes Three dance episodes from On the Town by Leonard Bernstein.
Sibelius-Academy, R-building concert hall at 19.00. Borne - Lauba - Albright - Franck. Kalle Oittinen, saksofoni and Tuomas Turriago, piano. Free entrance, estimated duration 75min.
TAMK Music Concert hall at 19.00. Borne - Lauba - Albright - Franck. Kalle Oittinen, saksofoni and Tuomas Turriago, piano. Free entrance, estimated duration 75min.
Culture House Laikku, Music Hall at 12.00.
Borne - Lauba - Albright - Franck. Kalle Oittinen, saksofoni and Tuomas Turriago, piano. Free entrance, estimated duration 75min.
Tampere Philharmony outdoor concert in Sorsapuisto, Tampere.
I will play two etudes (Savane and Flamenco) in Lauba Marathon -concert in European Saxophone Congress held in Trento, Italy
European Saxophone Congress (Trento, Italy). 10.00 a.m. - Palazzo Geremia, Salone di rappresentanza comune. Piilo - Presentation of interactive cards for improvisation/extended techniques and contemporary pedagogical music.
European Saxophone Congress (Trento, Italy). 06.00 p.m. - Palazzo Geremia, Sala Falconetto. Forest humming - Contemporary Finnish music for saxophone and piano. Turriago - Leinonen - Mäenpää - Korpijaakko. Kalle Oittinen, saxophone and Luca Lavuri, piano
I will teach in Raudaskylä wind camp 29.6.-6.7. More info and enrollments via link below.
Tampere Philharmony concert in Tampere Hall at 19.00. Program includes Sinfonia da Requiem by Benjamin Britten.
Saxophone orchestras on stage in Tampere Cathedral.
This concert shows the diversity of the saxophone. Top players perform old and new music in this multi-genre concert.
Tampere Philharmony concert in Tampere Hall at 19.00. Program includes Rejoicing of the deep waters by Kalevi Aho. Concert is part of Tampere Biennale.
Tampere Philharmony concert in Tampere Hall at 19.00. Program includes Sinfonietta by James MacMillan.
Saxophone Quartet Aava plays a concert in Salin klassiset -concert series in Ylöjärvi. Ligeti - Debussy - Mussorgsky.
Tampere Philharmony concert in Tampere Hall at 19.00. Program includes Symphony nr. 6 by Vaughan Williams.
Tampere Philharmony concert in Tampere Hall at 19.00. Program includes Rhapsody in blue by Gershwin and Symphonic dances from West side story by Bernstein
Solo concert in Gallery Saskia at 14.00 as part of the Tampere Gallery Week
Concert organized by The Finnish Soloist Association in The Rock Church, Helsinki at 19. Kalle Oittinen, saxophone and Harri Lehtinen, marimba.
Music by Minna Leinonen in Helsinki Music Center, Camerata Hall at 19.00.
Music by Minna Leinonen in Tampere House Small Hall at 19.00.
Helsinki Saxophone Orchestra performs in the church of Pornainen at 15.00.
Teachers of Kälviä music course on stage.
54. Legendary Kälviä Music Course 9.-18.6.2023. Applications 1.2.-20.4.
Tampere Philharmony concert for schoolgoers in Tampere Hall.
Tampere Philharmony concert for schoolgoers in Tampere Hall.
Tampere Philharmony concert for schoolgoers in Tampere Hall.
Tampere Philharmony concert for schoolgoers in Tampere Hall.
Tampere Philharmony concert for schoolgoers in Tampere Hall.
Tampere Philharmony concert for schoolgoers in Tampere Hall.
TampereRaw performs in Konserthuset, Stockholm.
Chamber music concert arranged by Tampere Philharmony in the Small Hall of Tampere Hall at 15.00. Program includes Quintet for alto saxophone and string quartet by Adolf Busch.
Masterclass for students of Levente Puskás in University of Debrecen 24.-25.3.
Concert of the Erasmus+ visit in The University of Debrecen with pianist Judit Váradi and saxophonist Levente Puskás. Mendehlsson - Kaipainen - Schumann - Leinonen - Mäenpää - Borne - Turriago.
I will be the president of the jury in saxophone competition in Debrecen, Hungary.
Concert in the new hall of Valkeakoski Cultural Center Luova.
Romantic saxophone concert in Pirkanmaan musiikkiopisto, Eteläpuisto 4, Tampere at 15.00.
Private event in Tampere Hall.
Tampere Philharmony concert in Tampere Hall at 19.00. Program includes Floresta do Amazonas -suite by Heitor Villa-Lobos.
The Latvian national ballet and Tampere Philharmony present Sergey Prokofjev classic Romeo and Juliet. Tampere-hall at 13.00.
The Latvian National Ballet and Tampere Philharmony present Sergey Prokofjev classic Romeo and Juliet. Tampere-hall at 18.00.
The Latvian national ballet and Tampere Philharmony present Sergey Prokofjev classic Romeo and Juliet. Tampere-hall at 19.00.
Concert includes premiere of Extraterrestrial Concerto for Saxophone Quartet and Concert Band by Ville Komppa.
Lunc concert in Culture House Laikku music Hall at 12. Program: Brahms - Sonata 2 in Es, Schumann - Fantasy pieces, Maurice - Tableaux de Provence. Hanna-Leena Savolainen in Piano. Free entry, program 10€.
Saxophonist Levente Puskás and pianist Judit Várady from Debrecen, Hungary will give a recital in Satamakatu hall. Program consists of Hungarian music and in the end we will perform together Konzertstück nr. 2 by Felix Mendehlsson. Free entrance.
Concert with Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra entitled Young persons guide to orchestra. Program includes Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin. Concert will be recorded and broadcasted on YLE channels.
Tampere Philharmony concert in Tampere Hall at 19.00. Program includes Pictures at an exhibiton by Modest Mussorgsky.
TampereRaw plays Japanese music and music influenced by Japanese culture. G-livelab, Tampere at 14.00.
Performance in a private event in Hotel Torni, Tampere.
Teachers of Kälviä music course on stage. I will play Fantaisie Brillante by Francois Borne with pianist Timo Latonen.
53. Kälviä Music Course 10.-19.6.2022. Applications 1.2.-20.4.
Small evening concert with Juan Carlos Entrambasaguas in Tamk, music hall in Satamakatu at 18. We will play music by Poulenc, Hindemith, Geiss and Cockroft.
Tampere Philharmony concert in Tampere Hall at 19.00. Program includes Symphonic Dances by Rachmaninoff where I will play the alto saxophone solo
The Guards Band plays a concert in Kaleva Church at 19 as a part of Tampere Biennale contemporary music festival.
Three saxophone orchestras conducted by Anna-Leena Lumme and Kalle Oittinen. I will also play Fantaisie Brillante by Francois Borne as a soloist.
Pirkanmaa Saxophone Festival finally takes place during 1.-3.4. in Tampere! We will gather three saxophone orchestras to play and perform together. More info from
Night of surprises. Jazz, contemporary, free, classical...
Pre-start to Pirkanmaa Saxophone Festival. Aava Saxophone Quartet performs in Kangasala-talo at 16.00. Program includes my new arrangement of Mussorgsky classic Pictures at an exhibition.
A charity concert to support Ukraine, with all proceeds going to the Red Cross disaster relief fund.
Lunch concert in Alexander Church, Tampere at 12.00 with organist Riikka Viljakainen. Program to be announced.
Eugene Bozza: Aria
Denis Bédard: Sonate 1 pour saxophone alto et orgue
1. Invention
2. Barcarolle
3. Humoresque
Jouni Kaipainen: '' chimere de l'humidite?''
Samuel Barber: Adagio
Last concert of the tour in Kuopio Music Center, Chamber music hall at 19.00. Program includes new works by Paavo Korpijaakko, Minna Leinonen, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago.
Concert cancelled due to covid restrictions.
Last masterclass of the tour in Kuopio Music Center. You can ask for more info via
Aava Saxophone Quartet performs as a soloist with Helsinki Symphonic Winds. Program includes premiere of the new version of Concerto for Saxophone Quartet and Wind Ensemble by Ville Komppa. HUOM! Konsertti siiryy syksylle 2022
Fourth concert of the tour in Helsinki Conservatory Concert hall. Program includes new works by Paavo Korpijaakko, Minna Leinonen, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago Concert cancelled due to covid restrictions.
Third masterclass of the tour in Helsinki Conservatory. You can ask for more info via
TampereRaw celebrates its 20th anniversary and Christmas at G Livelab Tampere! The orchestra does not promise to play Christmas carols but guarantees a warm atmosphere and a lot of emotion.
Sibelius-Academy saxophone lectrurer Joonatan Rautiola will hold a masterclass in Tampere on Friday 10.12. and Saturday 11.12. at Tampere Conservatoire. Masterclass is part of the Pirkanmaa Saxophone Festival. More info from
Teachers of Tampere Conservatoire on stage. In Pyynikkisali at 19.00.
Program includes new works by Paavo Korpijaakko, Minna Leinonen, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago
Second masterclass of the tour. You can ask for more info via
Second concert of the tour in Seinäjoki-hall at 19.00. Program includes new works by Paavo Korpijaakko, Minna Leinonen, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago
Tampere Philharmony concert in Tampere Hall at 19.00. Program includes 4th Symphony by Bruckner and Trumpet concerto by Zimmermann where I am glad to play lead part of five saxophonists section.
First concert of the tour in Turku Conservatory, Crichton hall at 15.00. Program includes premieres by Paavo Korpijaakko, Minna Leinonen, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago
First masterclass of the tour. You can ask for info via
Aava Saxophone Quartet will play two concerts in Hauho Music Festival. Slightly shorter concerts in Hauho church at 18 and 20 provide top class saxophone music from three different century. Free entrance, program 10€.
52. Kälviä Music Camp will be held 11.-20.6.2021. Application period 1.2.-20.4.
Final concert of the Springtour in Tampere, Tamk, music Concert Hall in Satamakatu at 19.00. We will among other music brand new pieces by Minna Leinonen, Paavo Korpijaakko, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago with pianist Tuomas Turriago. Also my students from Tampere Conservatoire and Tamk, music will perform in this concert.
Concert of the Springtour in Seinäjoki Hall at 19.00. We will play among other music brand new pieces by Minna Leinonen, Paavo Korpijaakko, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago with pianist Tuomas Turriago. Concert will be postponed to autumn 2021 due to covid situation
Concert of the Springtour in Turku, Sigyn-hall at 18.00. We will among other music brand new pieces by Minna Leinonen, Paavo Korpijaakko, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago with pianist Tuomas Turriago. Concert will be postponed to autumn 2021 due to covid situation.
Concert of the Springtour in Helsinki Conservatory, Concert Hall at 19.00. We will among other music brand new pieces by Minna Leinonen, Paavo Korpijaakko, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago with pianist Tuomas Turriago. Concert will be postponed to autumn 2021 due to covid situation.
Concert of the Springtour in Kuopio Music Center, Chamber music hall at 19.30. We will among other music brand new pieces by Minna Leinonen, Paavo Korpijaakko, Roope Mäenpää and Tuomas Turriago with pianist Tuomas Turriago. Concert will be postponed due to covid situation.
Chamber music concert held by Tampere Philharmony. Program includes trio for flute, clarinet and saxophone by Lauri Supponen.
Concert cancelled due to covid situatiom.
Concert with The Guards Band, Helsinki in The Rock Church, Helsinki. Soloist, Aava Saxophone Quartet, conductor, Jószef Hárs. We will premiere new concerto Transformations for saxophone quartet and wind orchestra by Veli Kujala.
My performance of the Sonata by Eero Hämeenniemi with pianist Tuomas Turriago will be part of the video-concert festival 'For bees and beings' organized by TampereRaw.
Link to the concert including the saxophone sonata:
Link to TampereRaw's YouTube-channel where you can find the five other concerts of the festival:
Concerts are available until 31.8.2020
Kälviä music camp will be arranged 8.-12.6. online due to the current epidemic situation. All the teachers are ready to teach you with the help of digital arrangements! All students will get 5 individual lessons and 2 group lessons. In addition, there will be couple of online lectures available for all the students. The best you can get is those individual lessons by some of the Finland´s high-quality music pedagogues! As this is the very first online camp implementation ever, all the students are very welcome to tell their ideas and contribution to the camp. We are working for the camp with a very positive spirit and see this as a chance and challenge to find new modes and perspectives for all the future music camps.
Contemporary music group from Tampere, TampereRaw, will play a concert in Tampere Old city hall at 18.00. Concert is part of the contemporary music festival Tampere Biennale.
The final concert of the Pirkanmaa Saxophone Festival. Anna-Leena Lumme will conduct the festival orchestras and Kalle Oittinen will play as a soloist. Program coming soon. CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS
Aava Saxophone Quartet plays a concert at 19.00 in Pyynikki Hall, Tampere conservatoire. Program: György Ligeti: Six bagatelles (arr. Fabio Oehrl) and Modest Mussorgsky: Pictures at an exhibition (arr. Kalle Oittinen). Concert is a part of the Pirkanmaa Saxophone Festival. CANCELLED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS
Cancelled due to coronavirus. New festival is planned to be held on spring 2021.
The 2010 restored version of Metropolis is given a fresh treatment in March 2020 at the Tampere Film Festival 50th anniversary concert where the film is accompanied by the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra at Tampere Hall.
Virgo Veldi from Tallin music academy holds a masterclass for saxophone students of TAMK in Tampere conservatoire.
Virgo Veldi from Tallin music academy holds a masterclass for saxophone students of TAMK in Tampere conservatoire.
Tampere Philharmonys concert in Tampere-talo at 19.00. Program includes Violin concerto by Alban Berg.
Students of TAMK play a concert in Cultu house Laikku. Program: Roger Boutry - Divertimento, Paul Creston - Sonata, Pierre-Max Dubois - Quatuor
Tampere conservatoires saxophone students play a concert in chamber music hall at 18.00.
Independece day reception in the presidents castle. Playing with The Guards Band Helsinki.
Ensemble workshop for saxophone section of the Helsinki Police Band
Teachers of the Tampere Conservatoire perform on a concert in Pyynikki Hall at 19.00. I shall play studies 10 and 3 by Charles Koechlin with pianist Katja Kilponen.
Ensemble workshop for saxophone section of the Helsinki Police Band
Concert with Tampere Philharmony in Tampere-hall at 19.00. Program includes selections from the ballet Romeo and Juliet by Sergey Prokofjev.
Concert with Tampere Philharmony in Tampere-hall at 19.00. Program includes Dances in the Canebrakes by Florence Price which has an alto saxophone part.
Chamber music concert series held in Villa Havola (Kiteenlahdentie 4, Kitee). Wednesday 19.06.2019 concert at 19.00 . Kalle Oittinen, saxophone, Johannes Hakulinen, violin, Lauri Savolainen, viola, Hanna-Leena Savolainen, piano, Hannu-Heikki Hakulinen, baryton. Program and other info in the link below.
Chamber music concert series held in Villa Havola (Kiteenlahdentie 4, Kitee). Tuesday 18.06.2019 concert with dinner. Kalle Oittinen, saxophone, Johannes Hakulinen, violin, Lauri Savolainen, viola, Hanna-Leena Savolainen, piano, Hannu-Heikki Hakulinen, baryton. Program and other info in the link below.
50th edition of the Kälviä international music camp 7.-16.6! Application period starts from 1st of February. More info from the link below.
Saxophone groups of Tampere Music Academy give a concert in the music hall of Culture house Laikku at 14.00. Music by composers such as Astor Piazzolla, Lasse MÃ¥rtenson, Herbie Hancock and Caryl Florio. Free entrance.
Percussion artist Petteri Kippos A-exam concert in Helsinki music center camerata-hall at 15.00. Program includes Saxala for saxophones and percussion by Uros Rojko.
Concert performed by three saxophone quartets in the Rock church at 19.00. Aava will play Six bagatelles by Ligeti and in the end all quartets combine their forces for Rite of spring by Stravinsky conducted by Eero Lehtimäki
Concert in Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität Vienna as a part of the Erasmus-masterclass. Program:
Pierre Sancan: Lamento et rondo,
Johannes Brahms: Sonata in E-flat op. 120,
Paul Hindemith: Concertpiece for two alto, saxophone and
William Albright: Sonata
Playing together with Iren Seleljo, piano and Michael Krenn, saxophone
Erasmus-masterclass for Michael Krenns saxophone class in Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität Vienna on 29.4.-30.4.
Concert by the saxophone students of Tampere Conservatoire in Näsi Hall at 18.00. Free entrance.
Somethin new, something old, something borrowed... Concert in Tampere Conservatoires Pyynikki Hall at 19.00 with pianist Tuomas Turriago. Program:
Johannes Brahms: Sonata in E-flat op. 120,
Pierre Sancan: Lamento et Rondo,
Christian Lauba: Steady study on the boogie,
Tuomas Turriago: Da Lontano,
Tuomas Turriago: Sonata for alto saxophone and piano, Gravity groove.
Tickets at the entrance 12/6€.
Concert was originally scheduled at 14.2. but was moved because players got sick before the concert.
Tampere Philharmonys concert in Tampere-hall at 19.00. Playing the tenor saxophone part in Escapades by John Williams.
Musica Nova concert with Aava Saxophone Quartet in Temppeliaukion kirkko (Rock church) at 18.00. Program includes the premiere of Wings for saxophone quartet and male choir by Paavo Korpijaakko and Quattro capricci for saxophone quartet by Kirmo Lintinen. The whole program and more info can be found from the link below.
Private gig with Saxophone Quartet Aava.
Concert in the Pyynikki Hall of the Tampere Conservatory at 19.00. Michael Krenn, saxophone, Eugenia Radoslava, piano, Kalle Oittinen, saxophone.
Performance in the opening ceremony of the University of Arts. Program: Wanamaker - Duo sonata for clarinet and saxophone and Jacob TV - The garden of love.
Performances of the Saint Birgitta -opera in Naantali church at 17.00 and 20.30. Opera was composed as a part of the 575th anniversary of the city of Naantali. Music: Jani Sivén, Libretto: Mirva Koivukangas, Conductor: Jani Sivén, Director: Ville Saukkonen, Soloists: Riikka Hakoka, Gabriel Suovanen, Reetta Haavisto, Satu-Kristina Vesa and Anni Niemelä. Choir: Chamberchoir Audite. Tickets can be bought from the link below.
Performance of the Saint Birgitta -opera in Naantali church at 20.30. Opera was composed as a part of the 575th anniversary of the city of Naantali. Music: Jani Sivén, Libretto: Mirva Koivukangas, Conductor: Jani Sivén, Director: Ville Saukkonen, Soloists: Riikka Hakoka, Gabriel Suovanen, Reetta Haavisto, Satu-Kristina Vesa and Anni Niemelä. Choir: Chamberchoir Audite. Tickets can be bought from the link below.
A concert in the Young artists of the summer -series in Helsinki music center, Camerata hall, at 19.00.
Chameleon - Duo sonatas for saxophone
The saxophone was created by instrument maker Adolphe Sax in the 1840s. His aim was to establish a balancing element between the woodwind and brass sections in a wind orchestra. As a result, the saxophone has a chameleon-like versatility that has inspired composers to explore its potential in an astonishing variety of contexts. Saxophone player Kalle Oittinen creates four distinct soundscapes with four other instruments in a balanced programme of contemporary works.
Kalle Oittinen, saxophone
Lukas Stasevskij, cello
Petteri Kippo, percussion
Giuseppe Gentile, clarinet
Marko Hilpo, piano
Denisov, Rojko, Wanamaker, Albright
Link to the event's Facebook-page:
Tickets can be bought from the link below.
Tampere Philharmonys outdoor-concert in Sorsapuisto, Tampere at 19.00. Program includes Symphonic dances from West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein.
I will teach in Kälviä Music Camp next summer. Great to be a part of the camp with such a great reputation and wonderful colleagues! During the 11 days youll get valuable experiences and tools for practicing. The camp is suitable both for those who play as a hobby and those who aim to a profession. Enrollment begins on 1st of February in 2018. More info from the link below.
Private gig in the Helsinki music center with the Saxophone trio Ava.
Recording the program of the previous days concert with Tampere Philharmony 18.-19.5.
Tampere Philharmonys concert in Tampere-talo at 19.00. Program includes Symphonic Dances from West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein.
Concert with Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra in Tampere-talo at 19.00. Playing among three other saxophonists in Richard Strauss: Sinfonia Domestica.
I will play with pianist Juho Keränen the classical half in the traditional spring concert of the Finnish saxophone association in Malmitalo. Program: Fernande Decruck - Sonata in c#, Nina Senk - Impetus and Pierre Sancan - Lamento et Rondo. Derek Brown (aka. Beatbox-sax) will play the second half. Concert starts at 19 o'clock. You can buy tickets from the link below.
A monthly club of classical music in restaurant Tenho Restobar in Helsinki at 20.00. Evening is started by string quartet Neue Quartet and my part will include Marc Eychennes trio for violin, saxophone and piano and Jacob TV's ''The garden of love'' for soprano saxophone, soundtracks and video among other pieces. Theme for my part is classical music influenced by rythm music. Below is a link to the facebook -event page.
Independence day reception in presidential castle. Playing ceremonial and dance music with the Guards band. Event can be wathced from Yle TV2 -channel.
Performing with The Saxtronauts -quartet at Narinkkatori in a festival organized by scolarship institutions.
Chamber music concert of Tampere Philharmonia at the small hall of Tampere-house 3 pm. Program including a new piece "Kalevala" for kantele, flute, clarinet, tenor saxophone and string quartet by Henri Sokka.
Performing with the Sibelius-Academy saxophone ensemble, Saxiba.
Fourth concert of the Töölö-series of the Guards Band at the Temple Church.
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